Ahahaha Finished!
From the moment I heard this song,
I really wanted to translate it
But I chose not to,
after I read the lyrics.
You, Sawano-sensei.
You're crazy,
no no you're insane as always
what the heck with too many codes
to decipher in this song
Even Japanese confused (haha)
Check out the TLN below!
I bet you all would be surprised
if I said these songs from
Aldnoah (A/Z, aLIEz and heavenly blue)
are my dancing songs (HAHA)
Every time I play DDR or Stepmania
I always choose these 3 songs
I love the melodies
Listen it in front of computer,
just make my body wants to move (haha)
English | Romanized | Kanji | Interpretation | Indonesian |
A/Z that could change into the end or beginning That time, I had stopped to gaze up and just looked downward ALD We've lined up nothing but unmatched lies and crumbled apart by our own will Future illuminates upon shadow and glory A single line of ray that couldn't be seen where I live and kill that full with nohing but words if I keep pursuing an answer in that nameless place A rain of life that melted into the wind These dashing tears that I couldn't throw away nor darkness nor the end I need could be back to zero the matter is how to bring it out their own beat Oh Oh and lace I've thrown Even though I've chased after the abandoned time I couldn't reach there with same rhythm from the future I've tried to ring it with some unknown words Yet, all I get was some noisy ideals that have no continuation if I keep pursuing an answer to the past I couldn't tear off has shut away by the wall Sword with nothing but decoration couldn't pierce through it Neither time nor ego I need, I need nothing If all the phrase could be turn into zero are Stages of light with Rhythm It 's Show, My Mind of Rage A single line of ray that never goes out that only could resound in countless if I keep pursuing an answer in that nameless place that melted into the wind These dashing tears that I couldn't throw away nor fear I need could be back into zero are Stages of light with Rhythm It's Show, My Mind of Rage | A/Z Owari ni mo Ano toki ALD SAIZU no awanai Uso bakari narabete Mizukara subete ni Tsumazuita Ei to ei Mienai Hikari no sen IKIRU (kill)-basho Sutete Soko ni Kotae wo motometete mo Inochi no Rain Kakedashi no NAMIDA Yami mo Owari mo iranai Hadashi no phrase-1 Sukuikata shidai dake de CHORD 1-A Oh Oh To tomo ni Suteta REESU de Oikakete mo Tadorenai Hito wa hibikiau rage no gain Narashite mo Sawagu dake no risoutachi Kako ni Ate wo motometete mo Hizashi no Rail Mie dake no yaiba EGO mo Nani mo Iranai Subete no phrase-1 Kienai Hikari no sen Hibiku basho sutete Soko ni Kotae wo motometete mo Inochi no Rain Kakedashi no NAMIDA Kyoei mo Kigu mo iranai Hadashi no phrase-1 | A/Z 終わりにも あの時 ALD サイズの合わない 嘘ばかり並べて 自ら全てに つまずいた 影と栄 見えない 光の線 生kill-場所 捨てて そこに 答えを求めてても 命のRain 駆け出しのナミダ 闇も 終わりもいらない 裸足のphrase-1 掬い方 次第だけで CHORD 1-A Oh Oh と共に 捨てたレースで 追いかけても 辿れない 人は響き合う rageのgain 鳴らしても 騒ぐだけの理想達 過去に あてを求めてても 日差しのRail 見栄だけの刃 エゴも 何も いらない 全てのphrase-1 消えない 光の線 響く場所捨てて そこに 答えを求めてても 命のRain 駆け出しのナミダ 虚栄も 危惧もいらない 裸足のphrase-1 | A/Z 終わりにも あの時 ALD サイズの合わない 嘘ばかり並べて 自ら全てに つまずいた 影と栄 見えない 光の線 生殺 (いきる)場所 捨てて そこに 答えを求めてても 命のRain 駆け出しのナミダ 闇も 終わりもいらない 裸足のphraseは 掬い方 次第だけで 鼓動は無い Oh Oh と共に 捨てたレースで 追いかけても 辿れない 人は響き合う rageのgain 鳴らしても 騒ぐだけの理想達 過去に あてを求めてても 日差しのRail 見栄だけの刃 エゴも 何も いらない 全てのphraseは 消えない 光の線 響く場所捨てて そこに 答えを求めてても 命のRain 駆け出しのナミダ 虚栄も 危惧もいらない 裸足のphraseは | A/Z menuju akhir ataupun awal, Kala itu aku berhenti memandang ke atas dan terus melihat ke bawah ALD Terus merangkai dusta yang tidak sesuai pada tempatnya dan terjatuh dengan sendirinya bayangan dan kemenangan Lintasan cahaya yang tak kasat mata tempatku hidup dan mati yang hanya terpenuhi oleh aksara ini Tak ada gunanya mendambakan jawaban dari tempat tak bernama itu Hujan kehidupan yang lebur oleh angin kubuang begitu saja Kegelapan, dan juga akhir tak lagi kuperlu bisa kembali lagi dari nol Lagu apapun, semuanya itu tergantung pada cara membawakannya memilih detak iramanya sendiri Oh Oh Bersama sepatu yang tidak bisa kupakai, juga tali sepatu yang pernah kubuang Aku tak bisa menyusuri waktu yang terabaikan meski telah kukejar sekali pun karena membutuhkan kemarahan masa depan Meski telah kupetikkan irama dengan kata-kata yang tak kukenal pun Hanya menjadi gemerisik angan-angan yang tak memiliki kelanjutan di masa lalu yang tak bisa kukoyak Lintasan cahaya yang tertutup oleh dinding Pedang yang hanya berfungsi sebagai dekorasi tak'kan bisa mengoyaknya Waktu, keegoisan tak lagi kuperlu Aku tak perlu apapun apabila segala ungkapan ini dapat kuubah kembali menjadi nol
Lintasan cahaya yang tak'kan pernah sirna Buanglah jauh-jauh, tempat itu yang hanya bisa bergema berulang kali Tak ada gunanya mendambakan jawaban dari tempat tak bernama itu Hujan kehidupan yang lebur oleh angin yang tak bisa kubuang begitu saja Kesombongan ketakutan tak lagi kuperlu bisa kembali lagi dari nol |
The longest TLN I've made so far....
Oh took me all day for one song
As you can see, I've added an interpretation part.
Thanks to that, it's a little bit cramped here, but still read-able.
So, let's start dechiper the code (the parts I've underlined)
Yo, you Sawano-sensei, you must be laughing at fans who've tried to decipher your code
His special language in lyrics must be called Sawano-go (Sawano's language lol)
These decipherings also based from some Japanese tweets summarized by Q-talk in Pixiv
And feel free to correct me if I was wrong XDD,
because afterall this is merely interpretation by fans, not official
O 始まりにも | In official lyrics it's written as Rei=0=Zero. So why 0=Ray? That's because in the next line, you can find 光(ray) Rei and Ray also have the same pronouncation. Too many Ray ambiguous parts here like Reiji, Rain, Rail, Rage Also Rail = Liar (backward) |
AS 照らす | AS here must be a code. Whether it's AS for ASseylum, AS for Asu (Future), or even Earth (Japanese read earth as アース(aasu). Well I choose future because it'd make more sense. |
生-kill (いきる)場所 | Heard any "kill" part in the song? Nope? So did I (haha) Kill pronounces as kiru and 生-kill=ikiru. The reverse of kill, ikiru means to live. Haha which one, live or kill, or both? Then it should make more sense if I change the kill to kanji korosu(殺す)(to kill) 生殺場所(seisatsu basho), a place to live and to kill, or a battlefield maybe? |
裸足のphrase-1 | Okay, code again. Phrase-one and hadashi (barefoot) Barefoot phrase-one? Hahaha don't mess with me. Someone, please tell me what's that T_T According to the tweets they heard one (wan) as "wa" without "n" then change in into "wa" particle which means "is" |
monoか 開くかは | I couldn't decipher this one. This must be a code. Maybe refers to mono (single), mono (things) or mono (people) Why did he need to write it in alphabet was the real matter If it refers to things or people, he must write it in Japanese letters. Then, maybe it means one or single, or mono in mono or stereo (haha) |
CHORD 1-A | Number and letter mean code again. Chord reads coodo in Japanese, so maybe it refers to kodou 鼓動 (beat of heart) 1-A pronouces wan-ei = wa nei = wa nai means nothing Then maybe 1-A refers to wa nai は無い (nothing) Japanese also irritated with this code, so did I. |
REFRAIN PART | Here they're. The LAST BOSS. This refrain is full of code!! Maybe the best choice is not to translate this refrain, but the part of me is just getting curious So let me start then: |
Start/End/Die/Live | Start/End/Die/Live: Start or End, Die or Live These things already quite obvious.Antonym here. |
Rythm/AL/Stage/No/Light | Aha! Ahahaha! The rythm is miss typo, right? I've checked the official scans, printed also as rythm not rhythm Then, Rythm, stage and light means the way they're. But AL and No is Japanese. AL means aru (existence of inanimate objects) No is a "no" particle of possesion This line refers to the first line as I've translated above. "Start or End, Die or Live are Stages of light with Rhythm" |
Go-Back-No-Yes | Go or Back, No or Yes Same with the first line of refrain, These are already quite obvious imo. Antonym |
Scene1/Rise Again/& | Scene1, Scene pronounces as shiin but also could be shinu 死ぬ (dead) 1, also like the other one is a "wa" particle Rise Again means as it, to rise once more &=and=to と &maybe refer to と(to) particle Then I translated this part as: "To Dead is to Rise Again" |
Stop/End/Die/Out | Stop and End, Die and Out Already quite obvious. Synonym |
It's Show/Rage/no/My Mind | It's show, rage, my mind means as it likes the previous one "No" here also "no" particle. |
Go/Back/1-9 | Go! Back 1-9 1-9 here is "wa" particle and nine pronounces as nain, becomes "nai" without "n" 1-9 = "wa nai" means nothing Go! Back wa nai = "Go! No way to Back anymore" |
B-5/round 2 fight | And this one is really something. B-5, be five, be five, also could be heard as "be fine" round here... hmm... what is this?? So randomly I placed "a" to become around (haha) 2 fight = to fight "Be fine around to fight" |
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